Joey Joe Joe Jr. Shabbadu

Does this make Patton a "Manic Pixie Ok, I'll Settle for the Fat Guy"?

My biggest problem with EVERY super hero movie is that they feel they need origins for every new villain. Remember when Spider-Man was worried about dating Mary Jane cause villains would go after his loved ones? What villains? You mean the ones that show up for 90 minutes and manage to inadvertantly die by your hand?

Grey Man. Look up artwork from The Killing Joke. Maybe the Sondheim reference is there too, but it's primarily Killing Joke, right down to how the background in Tennorman's lair is colored.

His Superman Adventures work was collected a couple years back in digest sized books. I read my friend's copy, enjoyed, and recall the most "Millar-esque" thing about it was that The Parasite had a fat girlfriend.

Lights out, Meatball!
I like Millar's tendency to write superheroes as if they were Thunderlips from Rocky III. Look at The Ultimates, and possibly Ultimate X-Men in the beginning. There are several instances where Captain America or Wolverine calls somebody "Meatball" while punching them.