WHAT??? Anthony LaPaglia is Australian? Since when???
WHAT??? Anthony LaPaglia is Australian? Since when???
EXACTLY! I'm from Central Jersey and other than turning central "T"s into glottal stops (our fair capital city should be pronounced "Tren'un", for example), there doesn't seem to be any kind of regional accent here. But! I worked for a while in a call center doing customer service for a national company and had…
I realized that the boyish ideal had taken over too much of the Hollywood product that I was watching when I started to turn to pro athletes to objectify instead of movie stars. It all became clear to me during the 2006 World Cup when I said to my sister, "Fabio Cannavaro is so hot — he's like what Jake Gyllenhaal…
Wait, the GI Joe time-travel-back-to-the-dinosaurs episode doesn't hold up? But I have such fond, albeit hazy, memories of it!
Oh my gosh, there's the Night Raven plane my brother had that I'd long forgotten about! I loved playing with my brother's GI Joes (he was four years younger than me and I'm a girl, to give a sense of how out-of-whack my toy sensibilities were) and that plane endlessly fascinated me. I think it somehow managed to…
If this comment doesn't appear in its entirety on the movie posters, the producers will have really dropped the ball.
That's nice to hear that Patton's soundtrack works well in the film. I've been enjoying listening to it, but haven't seen the movie yet so I had no idea if it was good as more than just standalone composition.
A million, billion times yes.
::hangs gold star up over computer::
Yeah, I did that once in a previous house (the moving from room to room), and man, what a headache. And yet, even having had that experience, we still didn't address the floors before we moved in. ::shakes head sadly:: Oh well. I've lived for seven years already with our horrible floors, so if I can just get the…
Hm. I'm thinking DISLIKE, unless it was a case of giving a LIKE and then retracting it.
One of my bosses gave me a bottle of the BPA for Christmas. It was delish!
What an elegant turn of phrase! It almost makes being naked sound work-appropriate.
She's an impressive troll, that's for sure. I'm pathologically conflict-averse on the internet, and have literally no opinion on Boondock Saints (having never seen it), and I was sorely tempted to step in and tangle with her a few weeks ago.
Oh no! Your poor little neighbor-cat! That completely sucks. Maybe someone in the church will decide to adopt it and take it home with them? It sounds like your neighbor deserves that.
Definitely the latter. Heh heh heh.
Gorgeousness! My house desperately needs the floors refinished, but we didn't get around to it before we moved in, and now I'll be damned if I'm going to empty all the rooms out.
@avclub-6e3b2cb658a36cff9d66c3371c46c4a6:disqus How do you feel Sailor Jerry measures up against Kraken? It seems a bit more vanilla-y (and red fruity) on its own…
@LJo1:disqus Can I tell you how much shit I've been giving Hugs & Hisses for that tomato rant at Silver Cloud? Heh.
Oh man, that's rough. You have my deepest sympathies.