
"Do you know what they do to people who commit mass murder?"
"First time."
"I've never heard of a second."
"I got the worst [bleep]ing attorneys!"

I'm enjoying the reviews in general and the broader points are relevant to the episode. But this rhetoric sounds a bit too much like it's posted by a Tumblr SJW for my liking.

I don't think it's that unrealistic that Jerry and Newt Gingrich are related.  I mean if Bert Macklin and Kip Hackman are brothers then why not.

I don't think it's that unrealistic that Jerry and Newt Gingrich are related.  I mean if Bert Macklin and Kip Hackman are brothers then why not.

Just adding a holy shit from the future.

I come from the further-future and would just like to echo these comments.  Currently marathoning via Netflix and  I'm well and truly hooked - have got through 2 seasons in the space of 4 days!  Also really enjoying reading the reviews on here and getting some additional insight. Roll on season 3.