
I don't know if I would consider Louis as a manchild. He seems pretty reasonable and usually reels Jessica back in most of the time and Jessica is more ambitious than Louis. Well written characters/relationships are able to be multifacet and play off these characteristics. I just really enjoy how they are generally

Great article!~

Chandler Muriel Bing


Pilot, Introduction To Statistics, Comparative Religion, Modern Warfare, Basic Rocket Science, Epidemiology, Abed’s Uncontrollable Christmas, A Fistful Of Paintballs, Remedial Chaos Theory, Horror Fiction In Seven Spooky Steps, Regional Holiday Music

I've been listening to this all day, no joke.

he's seasoned well over the years mmmmmmmmmhmmmmm

Autism. "Thoughts too fast to comprehend."

I thought you wrote this…but it's all there.

yeah timeline is messed up. Maybe fake pregnancy scare that makes them get back together?

I kept waiting for the moment for this to turn into a Halloween episode and it never it. It rather  turned scary in which the writers could produce such a horrible episode and sent a terribly misogynist message about domestic violence.

Oh yes they will!

I've seen every episode of KoH at least twice and never get tired of it. AD is amazing and I hope it FOX doesn't pull a Futurama.

They all have explanations, but I was too lazy to type them.

Anti Eagleton Slurs

My browser was on page 1 of comments and I was just about to post this reference!