Boring old biddy Ann Landers

How the hell are NONE of these journalists figuring out what the hold up is? It's as Ann as the nose on Plain's face. Piven and Connally are getting fat checks and probably a back end of the profits. Grenier mentioned sharing the "upside" and that's what I took from that. So Ari and E are locked in with heavy deals

Ok maybe he didn't kill himself, but Harry definitely got disgusted with Dexter after he killed someone that was a suspect of Harry's but who Harry couldn't convict.  Then he died shortly after and Dexter blamed himself.  I wish I could remember which episode it was.

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Dexter's Dad kill himself after he found out about Dexter's first kill?  He got sick to his stomach and then Dexter blamed himself for his Dad's death, back in season one.  He didn't fucking run to a psychiatrist and bitch about Dexter's "adding photos" and whatnot.

Since when does a foster kid have a fancy expensive lawyer on retainer?  There's only so much disbelief I can suspend.

I am watching it on my DVR now, please save me the agony…should I just fast forward through the stupid "Mitch meets a runaway that reminds her of Rosie" nonsense or does it actually matter to the story?

I agree with the Andrea disappointment.  She's not as insufferable as she was in the beginning of the season, but she still ties with Lori for being the fucking WORST.  I'm sorry, but what is wrong with these writers?  Does every female character have to be so unlikeable?

In the shitty opening monologue they kept trying to answer the question "Will Lindsay Lohan do a good job hosting SNL?" when in reality, they should've answered "Why the HELL is Lindsay Lohan hosting SNL?"

This is bugging me.  How was it spoiled again??  I am blanking because I tried so hard to block that story arc out of my memory.

According to the writers, not giving in to Barney's charm is all it takes to get Barney to fall in love with you.  I'm not buying the "sass" she's supposed to be selling.

I hit my Robin threshold two weeks ago when she bumped fists (and blew it up!) with Kevin on their Valentine's day date.  She used to do that with Barney all the time and it drove me nuts.  There's something so awkward about how much she's forcing it.

Lately, I've been struggling to find the difference between Robin and Season 5 Doppelganger Lesbian Robin.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus Regarding your Freaks and Geeks comment.  I went to Paley Fest for the Freaks and Geeks/Undeclared panel last spring and I can assure you, those kids were kids.  Judd Apatow and Paul Feig mentioned more than once how well those kids could act for their age/experience,

Did we really need the title card: "Graham's loft…the night before"? Have they ever heard of the Lost whoosh?

I agree.  I am a huge re-watcher of HIMYM eps and this was the first time in a VERY long time that when the episode ended, I deleted it from my DVR.

This show is trash.  I'd like to know what the "other crap things on the air" that is worse than this show.  I'll admit I watch it as a guilty pleasure and not because it's great television.  The first couple seasons were good but it eventually just turned into the same soapy one hour dramas that are filling the

I agree.  I find her character 90% irritating, 10% "adorkable"