SixPack Faramir

Fun piece.  At least it offers a differing perspective from a show that is seemingly impervious to criticism.  Yes, BB is a great show, but on a "lesser" show like Sons of Anarchy, if Gemma poisoned some kid with berries and it all happened off-screen in order to serve the plot, Kurt Sutter would get critic-raped. 

I wonder if the cinematography is really as spectacular as advertised.  I frequently wonder in reading analysis if the writers and directors are as smart as the recappers in all of these thematic interconnections and so forth.

Some time ago on the Simmons podcast they interviewed Johnny and CT when
they were touring and advertising some product for TJ Lavin.  They both
talked about how they had become bestest of best buddies and were
probably having three-ways and shit together.  And now in episode 1, CT picks a fight with the rookies and

Cochran had it won either way, but he definitely factored Dawn's weepiness into choosing who to take to the final 3.  Someone who has been on the show before, signs up again, and has daily meltdowns over everyday stresses would be miserable to live with indeed.

That is similar to MTV's "The Challenge" where veterans receive the same fixed compensation no matter how long they stay on the show.  So some of the players with jobs or real world obligations basically show up and then concede to getting eliminated in order to collect their check. 

Is Malcolm the new Russell Hantz?

GOT theme song = Kevin Spacey's "American Beauty" shower.  It's all downhill from there.