Box Full of Kugfer

Franz Ferdinand's debut was the first contemporary album I'd ever really listened to. I was 14 when it came out, and the winking art-pop groove of it was instantly perfect. I still credit Franz as being a perfect gateway artist for indie/alt rock. Fun enough to be accessible but still strange and off-kilter enough to

Seriously. "What You Meant" is deliriously hooky, "The Fallen" is a perfect pub brawling anthem and "Eleanor Put Your Boots On" might be the band at it's sincere best. I wonder if You Could Have It So Much Better, while being their most free-wheeling effort, would have benefited from being a track shorter. "You're the

Nope, it's exactly the same as far as I can tell but it's a pretty tight, easily delivered song. Lucid Dreams and even the Fallen were just long enough apparently to completely neuter in the release of the singles.

Well someone likes the word "conceit".

"Stickin' together is what good waffles do."

Wow… I just started watching this show on Saturday.

Wow… I just started watching this show on Saturday.

I'm waiting for the day for Rabin to end an article with "If memory serves, it's aight."

I'm waiting for the day for Rabin to end an article with "If memory serves, it's aight."

I don't think "any hard-boiled actor" could accomplish the "exact job" that Lynch did. Lynch has a very defined sensibility when he's on camera, right down to his speech patterns, posture and subtle gestures. He exudes a hard won, off-kilter competence that fit into, and in my view, enhanced the proceedings.

I don't think "any hard-boiled actor" could accomplish the "exact job" that Lynch did. Lynch has a very defined sensibility when he's on camera, right down to his speech patterns, posture and subtle gestures. He exudes a hard won, off-kilter competence that fit into, and in my view, enhanced the proceedings.

Yeah I read it. I was pretty into it. I just like having a variety of interpretations to swift through from reviewers I trust.

Yeah I read it. I was pretty into it. I just like having a variety of interpretations to swift through from reviewers I trust.

I completely understand. I just wish it would be sooner rather than later and for my own selfish reasons. I'm one of those despicables who watched it for the first time a few months ago… then watched it again. The whole time I was hoping I could follow along with some quality AV Club analysis.

I completely understand. I just wish it would be sooner rather than later and for my own selfish reasons. I'm one of those despicables who watched it for the first time a few months ago… then watched it again. The whole time I was hoping I could follow along with some quality AV Club analysis.

Also, are you guys and gals ever gonna cover the Wire in TV Club Classic? Is the ground too well trodden? Do you guys fear being redundant?

Also, are you guys and gals ever gonna cover the Wire in TV Club Classic? Is the ground too well trodden? Do you guys fear being redundant?

You know Todd, John Knowles says sarcasm is the protest of the weak. And he wrote a big stupid book that everyone has to read even though it's stupid (which is a feat unto itself). Point is, John Knowles knows what John Knowles knows.

You know Todd, John Knowles says sarcasm is the protest of the weak. And he wrote a big stupid book that everyone has to read even though it's stupid (which is a feat unto itself). Point is, John Knowles knows what John Knowles knows.

It's real food.