
There doesn't seem to be a reason for him to do that. The Island is a force more powerful than MIB. I don't see why MIB would want the freighter stopped. If they had made a connection in the show of MIB/Walt then I might agree, but the show told us someone had to be dead in order for MIB to take a form and also said

Walt was never MIB. MIB could only take the form of dead people and we know Walt can astral project. In 2007 he tells Locke he has been having dreams about him. Thats why Walt looked taller when he appeared to Locke at the pit.

There is no evidence Ben was infected by MIB. When Ben was taken to the Temple it is presumed he was healed by the clean water. The water only became dirty after Jacob died. Richard said he will be one of them and lose his innocence. Knowledge is the death of innocence, Ben was now a part of the Island's plan. Also,

In 'Sundown' Sayid even says "I am not with you because I don't deserve you."

Rousseau always seemed like she knew way more than she spoke of.

In that interview it seemed like there was bad blood between Carlton Cuse and David Fury. Carlton didn't join until later in Season 1. Fury mentions that Kitsis and Horowitz wanted him to play Arzt, but Carlton Cuse shot that down because Fury was leaving the show.

I like what they did. The Others were jungle people until Ben domesticated them. Something Locke calls him out on. When Ben was gone they were back to their "Hostile" roots, living off the land.

Other theories are that Dave was one of the people who died when the deck broke that drove Hugo to his breaking point. Still could be Libby's Dave. The producers also said it wasn't a coincidence that Dave was the name of Hugo's then-absent father.

MIB said himself Locke needed to be dead in order to look like him. Granted he isn't the most reliable of narrators but it fits with what we saw. The only exception being the young boy Eko knew in Nigeria. Sadly that boy could very well be dead by the time he "appears" on the Island. Nigeria is a dangerous place.

Gooble Gobble.

I think the part that makes it work is the black and white stones. That fits in perfectly with their characters.

There was mythology attached to them. Jacob and MIB were raised there by "Mother". That is pretty big.

I'm pretty sure he says "I don't swim." Kind of semantics here, but that could mean he isn't nearly a good enough swimmer to go out against the tide and play lifeguard. I think it was his excuse as to not look cowardly.

When the sub was going down and Sawyer was knocked out, there was only one air canister left. Jin knew Jack needed it to rescue Sawyer.

The guy who played James in Season 6 left because he didn't like what they were doing with his character in the final season after reading a few scripts. He wanted to work with Deborah Ann Woll who was a former costar of his on some project. I guess now we know why he left. If it was because he didn't want to play a

That is left up to the viewer. Besides we saw Locke catch a boar on another occasion. We also saw him do other "survialist" things that were not related to the monster at all.

I don't think so. We know Walt can "appear places he wasn't supposed to be". The monster also claims that the person whose shape he takes has to be dead. The only time we saw MIB heal someone was with Sayid, who became claimed and acted very differently from that point forward. Locke wasn't any different in Season 4.

John Locke was much more than just a sucker. In the final minutes of the series they even took the time out to say once again that he was special. His specialness doesn't solely stem from his time-traveling escapades. The Island healed him as soon as he crashed. Which Richard (long after he had met time-traveling