
Because it only seems fast after it's over. While you're in it, it seems to take forever.

can you change or remove your avatar? I checked after typing this comment and it looks like I get an avatar for being grandfathered in, but I better be happy with the one I've got as there's no changing or removing it.

I have only an AV Club log-in and no Disqus one, but I have an avatar for some reason. It's old… since before the last site redesign and probably even before the comments switched to Disqus. Maybe that's why? Sorry, that wasn't really helpful at all, was it?

Are the twins' names really Jack and Diane? And did I really just only now notice that?

I read the scenes with Rainbow doing the more "masculine" tasks of hanging the TV and grilling dinner as due to her feeling like her husband wasn't "manly enough" after the valet incident. Yuck. Even with quotes I don't like typing that.

Me too. Also "catalog" without the "ue" on the end doesn't look right to me. But "colour" can go fuck itself.

To be fair, most kinks that I don't have don't really sound all that fun to me. But I agree that this one seems particularly awkward.

I noticed the ticking clock (ticking-time-bomb) sound effects too. And I never notice musical cues or scores. So yeah. Pretty distracting.

Eye. I figured it was going in someone's eye when I saw her put it in her cast.

I thought Alicia learned that Peter and had been having an affair with her while they were much younger ( I think Alicia said something like, "That was when I was pregnant with Grace", so a really long time ago). But he didn't cop to having an affair with her now, which is weird because it's probably less scandalous


Yeah, I didn't think that was actually what he was going to confess. I like the drinking problem guess, though.

**Spoilers for the "Next week on Parenthood" scenes***
Anyone else assume that Crosby was crying about and getting ready to confess another affair with Max's educational aide? When he said "I really messed up…" that's the first thing I thought.

Good point, especially since the right side of the chart (the "smarter" music) looks more like an article on "Stuff White People Like" than anything else.

Guess I'm in trouble, then.

Are we marking spoiler alerts in the comments for this show? I'm honestly asking and not being a dick, because I don't know if Broadchurch and Gracepoint are expected to run exactly parallel. So perhaps knowledge about Broadchurch won't matter as we get further along. But for now it sounds like they're following

I think I'll miss her more than you will, but I agree with the overall sentiment.

Some of the commentors were discussing how Kalinda and Robin would both fit into the new firm a few weeks ago, and I said Robin would likely be the receptionist. That made me sad because I'd have missed Robin's investigations. I'm sorry to see Kalinda go, but it'll be fun to have Robing out in the field some more.

When she asked "Would you change your mind if I told you the name of the band is Fairly Manilow?" was when she had me. I'd have totally gone with her.

Better than us? Does such a group exist?