A Wild Pidgey Appears

@olivececile:disqus I can attest to your claim that AD&D functions well as an introduction. It was the first episode of Community I ever saw (watched it On Demand one day when I was bored), and not only was I sucked right in, I felt like by the end of the "Troy, the Obtuse… Shirley, the Cloying… Abed, the

God I miss those long drives. What I wouldn't give for another TAR3 Dieselgate.

I was just waiting for this season to end.  BRING ME BRENDON AND RACHEL!!

"At the song's end, Santana throws out, 'I told my parents last night, and they were actually okay with it,' and despite the consistent lady-patience and compassion we've exhibited throughout Kurt's 56 Coming Out Episodes, 75 Magic Dates and 5,452 Dad-Son conversations, that's it. Just that one magical line."So

Not "Where is Britta?" but "WHEN is Britta?"

They have to keep all their clues from the entire leg in order to check in, so it's possible that one's from earlier on in the leg.

I would think that the teams were all so bunched up (and they had to know that the Pit Stop was next, since they'd done all the other tasks that leg), that any one team would be too scared to switch tasks for fear they'd be completely out of it.

"Next week, I’d like to see the teams taking a trivia quiz on a rollercoaster."


1. Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (it was the first episode I ever saw and inspired my love for the show, so it'll always hold a special place in my heart)
2. Remedial Chaos Theory
3. Mixology Certification
4. Paradigms of Human Memory
5. Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas
6. A Fistful of Paintballs/For a Few Paintballs More

At first glance, I thought this episode was called "Canceled!"

Guess that's just what happens when you play a character who's 11 years younger than you.  Not everyone is blessed enough to be baby faced like Matt Czuchry (who, astoundingly, is 34 years old but looks 24).

He looks ancient this season.

Biggest Con of the Episode:  Whatever the fuck that turban thing was that Kurt was wearing.  Plus the poncho.

"Modern-day stoning" may just be the most overblown thing this show has ever said.

You mean a kick-punch.

And don't forget that you can tell which ones are Shark Girls CAUSE THEY'LL ALWAYS HAVE FLOWERS IN THEIR HAIR.

But Kurt auditioned for Tony with Barbra Streisand, so I don't know how much stock to place in the audition song ;)

It's hard to live up to the promise of last week, but I'm glad they condensed two boring, predictable eliminations into 1 episode instead of needlessly dragging it out with one elimination per episode (see, e.g., the Pagonging of Zapatera).

You took the words right out of my mouth.  Three things to add: