
Is every single movie, tv show, book or cultural artifact going to be analyzed (more like dissected…) with the buzzwords of "white/male" "unexamined privilege" and so on? what on earth has happened to the idea of critiquing a piece of art on its merits, on its craftmanship or its ambition? Not everything has to be

For his work of fiction a good introduction is "No One Writes to The Colonel" or "Chronicle of a Death Foretold"; For non fiction I would perhaps go with "The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor" or "News of a Kidnapping" which covers a painful yet fascinating period in the history of Colombia when drug lord Pablo Escobar

Hasta siempre…!!

Perhaps "No One Writes to the Colonel" could be an easier "gateway" into Gabo´s work: it is somewhat short, and the language and setting are quite laconic and a bit Hemingwayesque…

So drawing a cartoon depicting "The Prophet" is an offense punishable by death? muslim girls dating non muslims is an offense punishable by acid thrown to their faces? Non muslims having ZERO rights (dhimmitude) is an acceptable state of affairs in muslim lands??? Give me a fucking break!