I think I need a little reverb in there.
you forgot to add the "How's that?" to Tammy's song, its so succinct to the tune that I felt obliged to point it out. Also her t-shirt: I'm with Stupid.
I think I need a little reverb in there.
you forgot to add the "How's that?" to Tammy's song, its so succinct to the tune that I felt obliged to point it out. Also her t-shirt: I'm with Stupid.
Oh, Mr Keenan, Good Man. Small School, No Accredidation.
Jerry Fucking Minor. The specialized way he says Potato Soup is still imitated by me. Also in Recruiters, I theorize that when they blur out the basketball from LaFont college, I think its either a Pistons basketball because they filmed in Detroit, or a DuPaul…
Think, think- take a drink.
The sketch Bob and David were trying to perform after they were accused of dumping unfunny jokes into the Hudson River: "Space Dog"—- which is so ridiculously throw away and David does the robot.
The Love Theme from 'Brutal Enigma'
Pat Lemontime, as we all know, was Mary Lynn's character she named herself in the Coupon the Movie Sketch.
Lee as Speed
as I am a big fan of their ending credits:
one of my favorite end credit gag's was David writing over it in revenge to Bob (HBO- hate bob odenkirk) while they wrestler in the background and use the dreaded Thumb hold.
I still entertain myself with a banana by using it as a flute
There's a bit of genius in the link from "Pit Pat" to "The Joke: The Musical" where David breaks the 4th wall and Tankerbell is used as a light. Its one of the first instances on the show where I feel they expand the limit in their world. Also, when…