Jack Jumblies

I'm totally going to steal that joke at the end for when I get inducted into the AV Club Commenters Hall of Fame. Brought to you by Valtrex.

I'm totally going to steal that joke at the end for when I get inducted into the AV Club Commenters Hall of Fame. Brought to you by Valtrex.

Perhaps Johnny Marr should court the Spanish-language market.  That would raise SPM's hackles.

@bakana42:disqus I think I get where you are coming from. For the actor, he felt bad, expressed his remorse the only way he knew how in that moment. He's responsible for his own actions, if there are karmic repercussions, then Buddha can't help him.  (Being dead and all that.)

@avclub-a2c991b87ce18146c1b1ab674afe20e6:disqus Edison was paranoid that Nikolai Tesla's superior AC electrical system was going to overtake his precious DC. Fortunately, it did.

@bakana42:disqus You're assumptions about Buddhism are off-base, particularly the notion of an immortal soul.  Talking to monks is a start, but I would suggest you learned more about the man they call the Buddha and his teachings before being so dismissive.

Awleyemsayeniz, they better treat that crucial scene of Bill Maher and Ann Coulter hatefucking with RESPECT.

In a crumbling mansion, the mummified remains of a great dictator sits, a silent witness to it all. (cameo by Milton Berle). it's magically realistic!

Too late.  Ioan Gruffuld already did it.

So there is no Amanda Peet or Jaime Pressly in this adaptation of the beloved WB series???

I was thinking this could be a clever take on the current political climate, with the robots representing the unfeeling groupthink army of Tea Partiers vs the aimless, shambling, body-odory Occupy horde.

That looked nothing like what Danaerys was eating at the Nathan's Horse Heart Eating contest. Fake!

That's not fair.  Once upon a time she did play a sex doll come to life in Mannequin.

I'm way late to the commenting party, and might just be talking to Casper Lannister, drinking up all the leftover mead before he rapes some poor plague-infected peasant girl, but anyway…

Consider the Hedgehog

If it ends with Chloe Sevigny giving slow head to the Alien Commander, I'm buying to Blu-Ray.