
Just generic alien blue, really. But if I had to choose, Smurfette, for sure.

I love Ferguson. He's the best of all the hosts at just riffing and being naturally funny, plus Between the Bridge and the River kicked ass.

Raimi could go all Evil Dead nuts with Mysterio.

Agreed. I have in fact tried to convince my girlfriend to let me paint her blue, and this was before I'd even heard of Avatar.

Frankenhooker? Anyone? As far so-good-at-being-bad-it's-good The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra made me laugh my ass off, although I did watch it in good company and thought it was real for the first twenty minutes.

You know, so… thanks?

You people and your comments are directly responsible for me neglecting the movie projectors I'm supposed to be running, resulting in massive scratches all over our Squeakquel print.

What's the difference between God midgets and God dwarves?

Sure, but would an ELECTED cabal of tight-assed arbiters of good clean fun be any less full of witch hunting dinosaurs?

Indeed Fritz. Is it just me or does it seem that since the rise of Viagra every single movie with old people in it has an obligatory old people sex reference/ sight gag?

He sucked in Factotum

That sucks, I thought it was on purpose too. The chain bit in particular was significant in the formation of my sense of humor and set me up to enjoy more bizarre stuff like Monty Python

I got Alice from netflix recently and was quite thankful I hadn';t seen it as a child. I think just the weird repetition of images would have been enough to scar me, let alone the images themselves

I imagine an Eastern European accent speaking this

I desperately need to find a downloadable version of Crying Demons Crying Demons Crying Demons: Amazing Recordings Of Demons Speaking THrough People Who Are Possessed By Them

I live in Baton Rouge and find that most streotypes of hideous cajuns are generally correct and hilarious

I nominate
The Day After Tomorrow, solely based on that scene where they run from ice and are saved by standing near a fireplace

John C. Reilly individually bending each piece of silverware in Walk Hard

I've never seen a bond company stooge stick his neck out like that

I second A History of Violence, so long as we're talking about wearing a movie's tension in one's face and body instead of words