Carrie Raisler

This is weirdly aggressive. Thanks?

Oh, you might be right there. I think I'm so ready for Marcel to do something interesting again that I overlooked the very obvious fact that Genevieve likely planted that thing because she's weirdly obsessed with Klaus and hates Cami. That version is much more boring.

I wonder if the show simply didn't want to do the research that it would require to give a more specific answer? It was odd.

No way. I think it's imperative he defects.

I think the most interesting thing about The Fosters this season is that they're turning Brandon into a total jerk and I'm not sure they know it? His scene with Callie when he was telling her how she should feel about her father was so insensitive and bullying. This is supposed to be some great love? Run away, Callie.

One thing I really liked about the triangle here that I forgot to mention is how non-angsty it is. Daphne is kind of having fun with it, which is a lot more pleasant.

I fixed it, I fixed it! I'm blaming Daylight Saving Time for this.

Honestly I forgot how to spell everything involved with this show over the hiatus.

I'm from Florida. I took Spanish, dammit. Not that I remember any of it…

It's new. It's the beginning of the last six episodes of a 16-ep season three. USA splits this show into partial seasons — the first run of season three was 10 episodes that aired back in 2013.

I plan on it. It's like the writers suddenly realized he was the best and I plan to capitalize.

Yeah, that's part of my technical issue, too. It should be fixed tomorrow when someone else can add the info. Thanks!

I just looked back and the last ep I gave a full A was "Bum-Puzzled" when Colton got the guys to agree to go to Tribal even though they won immunity.

I have given several eps an A. The one that comes to mind is the one where Cochran flips in his first season. (But it has to be a really, really good episode.)

FYI there's no grade up there because I am having technical issues. B+!

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It made me uncomfortable. :(

The show where they talked directly to the camera was Life As We Know It. I actually just watched the full run on DVD this year. It wasn't great.

I can't stop laughing over "accidentally created such a human nightmare."

Ha, I bought the same set. Bless Big Lots.