Carrie Raisler

*turns up Bittersweet Symphony* *speeds away in vintage convertible*

Per Lizzy Weiss on Twitter, he moved back to Canada or something? Which I assume means he's gone for good.

Yeah, these two don't bother me as much as the Chef Jeff thing but it is strange. I think that's why I liked her little story with Noah so much last season — he was in high school!

This exactly. At the end of last season I really hoped they wouldn't try to fit the senior year into 13 episodes because it did the show no favors, but once again they did that and I think it really caused a lot of the Castlebury stories to feel inconsequential.


She's really heartbreaking in that last episode, though, when she gets the pulmonary embolism and she knows she's likely going to die. It's pretty brutal and she plays it well.

Stefan/Paul Wesley is having a great season, which is a relief because last season his character was pretty dismal for the most part.

I hope this doesn't happen because this would be so mean to Matt. :(

TNT stopped their last round of reruns in like the 14th season. IT WAS SO RUDE. I just wanted to finish the cycle!

Oh, I'm driving four hours to see it. Because I'm a crazy person. (But you can do that anyway, as it amuses me.)

When moving away from L.A. six years ago I really should have forseen that someday there would be a Veronica Mars movie that would only play in AMC theaters and I would regret it. DAMMIT, CARRIE.

I am really frustrated with Callie and Brandon for being so dumb. I know they are teenagers and the level of how dumb they are being is certainly appropriate with that, but it's so frustrating to watch. Callie is going to become emancipated? Girl. No you're not. That's just ridiculous.

Thank you!

That bikini is straight from the set of the original Beverly Hills, 90210. I had one exactly like it… in 1994.

This site lives to make me look technologically dumb, which isn't difficult because I am technologically dumb.

The author name doesn't want to seem to update, but I wrote this. Just didn't want you to think TCA had broken Todd and he was out-of-body writing this review or something.

He had about three scenes in the three episodes provided for review. I hope they smarten up and include him more.

I did not!

I like Chicago Fire and Sophia Bush as well, so I was disappointed.

Number of times I listened to that Meryn Cadell CD in high school: All. All the times. (100% Acrylic.)