Carrie Raisler

"Though definitely old now"?

I wrote that, and even though it's used here as an example for Alex I actually think that scene is far more about learning things about Piper than it is about learning things about Alex. It reads to me as a way to take the perception that Piper is a victim in their relationship and turn it around, to show that there

Mine cut off! There was amnesia?!

Hayden's mustache rendered me incapable of coherent Survivor thoughts.

I really feel like if we got a full-on Enzo/Damon love scene, I would forgive the show all of its current faults. …I'm not proud.

Yeah…I get why. I just think this is a pretty easy fix, considering all the other things she's dealt with over the last year or so.

I am not an Elena/Damon shipper (my only ship on this show is Matt Donovan/me) but if this is how the writers are going to break them up—by claiming he was a monster all along—I am not going to be pleased.

I think it's about love. Love, man!

I almost hate it more if he knew everything the whole time, honestly. Especially because that scene was shot like it was some sort of repressed memory.

But in the episode prior, the memories came to him in a flash when he saw the ID numbers on the blood bags. Then he said something to Wes and got vervained and captured.

I meant to mention this in the stray observations but forgot in the flurry of insanity of this episode. Very, very sad.

I miss Carter's blank stare

Imagine season one without Damon. It would have been AWFUL.

We are doing a redesign tonight. Hopefully everything will make sense once that goes through.


Yeah, I think this Tribal people were far more aware of what he was doing. It's still fun to see simply because it's so different than what most players do.

There is GOSSIP GIRL BIAS on this list. BIAS I SAY. Dair forever.

That's such a great point. I loved human Elena (even when others hated her) because I knew who she was and respected that she fought for the people she loved. Now she just …doesn't do anything. It's so bizarre.

It's weird because I'm still enjoying watching the show, but when I sit down to analyze it all of these issues pop up. The snappy dialogue and fun performances are really holding this entire season up, I think.

You can't recreate brilliance.