Carrie Raisler

After seeing The Vampire Diaries ignore the moral implications of compulsion almost exclusively, I kind of can't believe Cami even exists in this world. But I'm so, so glad she does. Rowan, I love how you point out that she demands her agency. She fights for it, and I love how that completely puts Klaus into a

I still like Jack, mostly because I have a lot of affection for Nick Wechsler and think he's really good when they give him emotional beats to play. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens now that he knows Nolan knows.

Yeah, I saw that look she gave. I think she's just giving up on Jack because she has to disappear for her plan to work.

Yeah I obviously had no idea what they were saying there. Whoops.

This is my saddest day.

Even Piz knows Piz isn't endgame (see: him look wearily on at the end of The Bitch Is Back.)

Being shirtless.

Except Ephram Brown.

That's a great point. Aiden kept going rogue because of his jealousy and feelings for Emily, and by placating those things she could regain control of him. Now I think that's exactly what she might be doing.

When Jenna and Collin opened the door I fully expected Dick Casablancas and Aaron Echolls to be standing there.

I apologize if you think my response was rude because that wasn't my intention. I did not know you were being sarcastic so I was just explaining why I think this show wasn't always only about the triangle.


Yeah, I think that pic is from a future episode. Sometimes they get mixed up on the press site. Spoiler, I guess?

Oh man, those are really good, too. I generally really like this show's flashbacks.

"KLAUS." The moonstone fake out reveal flashbacks are the best.

Pretty sure I completely blocked those from my brain.

I don't think anyone watching the first two seasons of this show would think the triangle was the whole point. It was just one part of the show. Like I said in the review, I actually like the triangle when it's in the background and the crazy plot is in the foreground. It's only the last two seasons when the triangle

Ugh that's supposed to say Dr. Jacoby's comment. Stupid Disqus. (And now it does? SHAKES FIST AT DISQUS)

I think @disqus_u7vdwwhJsZ:disqus's comment above is exactly why I think it's clever. This show is committed to the love triangle. It's the story they want to tell. It's not the story I would prefer the show tell, but I think taking their mythology and building some of the components of the love triangle into it, if

I think I'm just mad at Jeff.