Carrie Raisler


The sexual harassment I was talking about actually occurred between Stephen and Rachel in the break room.

It was Katrina's "You know THE WIRE? SEE, WE'RE REFERENCING THIS HIP SHOW THE WIRE!" bit that bugged me.


I didn't talk about Callie's whole rape storyline, but I thought it was handled amazingly well. Especially the choice to eschew an easy, television-friendly ending.

I got the impression Cameron was still reading her lips, and just saying that he could hear her voice.

It originally said season 10 episode 10. I just fixed it.

Whoops, will fix.

OMG WHAT. ARE YOU SERIOUS. (I am behind on the books.)

That's pretty much the most canon (to the books) thing the show does anymore. (Note: I am a few books behind.)

That was definitely the best part.

Are you referring my review? Because I am using it in the context of what Harvey believes. Not what I believe. Also, I'm pretty sure the show wants us to be on Harvey's side. (Not that I am, but it sure seems like the show is pushing his side being the "right" one.)

I sure did. Oops.

I feel very comfortable saying this show has an issue writing women. I started noticing it in season two. Almost all of the women, no matter how competent they are at their jobs, are defined here by their relationships with the men. When Rachel and Donna talk they rarely have conversations about anything but Mike and

Just a heads up: We are going to be reviewing The Fosters season finale next week, so we'll get an entire review of our very own for comments!

Wait I could have watched this episode earlier today? Darnit!

I'm so impressed this season has a main storyline that actually involves almost every single character that I think they might be able to pull it off.

It was just too operatic for me. Not my thing.

I think Mike's point is that if Jessica takes him down, she'll go down as well because she knew of his fraud and basically endorsed it, letting him still practice at her firm.

I think Jace has improved the way he treats Daphne. I don't think he's necessarily a rehabilitated character, though.