Whoops, totally missed that.
Whoops, totally missed that.
Ha! I had this same thought while watching and checked it out. Riegel is 13 years older than the actress playing her daughter.
I'm fine with you not liking the show, but I'm less fine with you saying I only liked it because there were cute boys. That's a bit sexist and insulting. I liked it AND there were cute boys.
I thought that said Elijah was "unlikeable" and I almost passed out.
I think Hart of Dixie is filmed in L.A. Their town square is Stars Hollow.
They certainly have.
AGREED. It's my favorite!
Ah, I forgot that moment. I did not care for that.
I don't know if you'll see this because I can't reply correctly, but I think you're being a bit cynical. Network execs aren't some evil, mustache-twirling force out there to ruin everything that makes TV great. For example, John Landgraf at FX, who is one of the smartest guys in Hollywood.
I just finished watching this entire show and it is inept in every way. It's so terribly done I would actually recommend anyone who is interested in television watch it so they can analyze how poorly everything is executed.
I think more likely they need a better executive team who can see the problems with a show while it's being produced and can give the appropriate notes to course correct. TV execs get a bad rap but there are great ones out there who can make shows better. Netflix seems to need a team like this badly.
Hey, watch it.
For me, she's more interesting because she doesn't care a lick about Stefan and Damon, and I simply cannot listen to anything involving the love triangle anymore. I am out on the love triangle.
That Cure cover in this episode was no bueno.
Can you imagine if he wins? He'll have so much smug he'll smug blast right out of the finale stage.
Ohhhhhh…I missed that. Thanks!
Dante is so bad he's making Avery look good. That's BAD.
He should have realized it from how cagey she was being anyway.
I hate hate hated this show but gave it an A just because this review is so fantastic.
This is a joke comment, right? (And if it wasn't I was grossed out by their entire relationship no matter the grade. Because Miller is awful.)