Oh my, I didn't even realize it was the same actor!
Oh my, I didn't even realize it was the same actor!
I keep saying the only thing that will fully redeem this Silas thing is if Silas is Silas from Weeds, and naked Hunter Parrish comes crawling out of that tomb.
FYI, I tweeted this comment with the commentary "Best TVD comment" and it got 200+ retweets.
I guess I just outed myself as a Deangirl. Oh well.
Everything with Dean decorating his room, making cheeseburgers, wearing glasses, confessing things to Sam? THAT'S the Dean I've loved since season one. That's the guy I've been waiting to return. (Okay, the wearing glasses thing was just hot and not character illuminating, but still. Don't judge me.) Also, a true,…
Oh, I loved Redemption Island, too. But I'm a big time Boston Rob Stan.
I see what you did there.
I think it was just too much at once. If we had those stories at different times, maybe there would have been more balance and they wouldn't have felt like such a tonal departure. But it was just too much semi-contrived melodrama at the same time for my tastes. (And I really think Chef Jeff was an awful waste of an…
Yep, Dog Problems remains one of my favorite albums and I listen to it weekly. I'll never be able to hate fun because you could see the roots of their style in that album, which I love so much.
God dammit. Freddieeeeeeeeeeeee!
I don't necessarily think that, but Daphne certainly does, which is what I was referring to in the paragraph. I think this is going to be a continued struggle for Daphne this season.
I had a magic driver's test! I am from a very small town…hmm.
True, but I feel like the plot last season was far more interesting and something you actually CARED about at all times. 15 episodes is a long stretch to wait for something so boring.
Canada is inherently funny. I don't make the rules.
Why IS The CW so quiet?? I have to crank my TV and often the sound mix is so terrible I can barely hear the dialogue. No such issue on any other channel.
Someday there's going to be a sequel to this show and it's just going to be me when I'm old, reading these reviews out loud. Slowly. WITH EMOTION.