Carrie Raisler

I love Teddy the too-old nineteen-year-old.

Thank you!

You know, we are so far removed from this time period in history that I didn't even make the AIDS connection yet in my mind. I definitely see what you're saying about it seeming network noted, which is too bad; I really think the pilot had an interesting tone laced with sadness that I sort of see disappearing with

I love it, too. But it's pretty terrible most of the time. (Season one is universally great, however, other than the pilot.)

Yes! Also, although One Tree Hill was pretty horrible, the central friendship of Haley and Lucas was great because they never once even hinted there were more than friendly feelings there. Especially rare for a full-on teen soap.

I've had beer and lemonade drinks in Germany, where they're everywhere. It's the addition of vodka that turns my stomach, I think.

I've seen that one! It was good!

So this is where I admit I've only seen like six episodes of The Simpsons, huh? I DON'T UNDERSTAND ANY OF YOUR REFERENCES.

I think he was upset that was ALL Harvey did. He seemed more hurt that Harvey hadn't engaged with him at all since then.

They mentioned both in the past two weeks? Is this a sarcastic comment and I'm too tired to tell?

I laughed very, very, very hard. One of the more clever things the show has done.

I've never given the show a full A, but there have been several A- grades. I think it's more telling that I've only given the show a C once than whether or not it's gotten an A. I love, love, love this show but it's just never delivered an episode that didn't have one nagging thing preventing me from giving it a full

Darcy playing Fitz was the absolute best.

I marathoned the whole thing on Saturday afternoon and enjoyed it far more than I expected to. It's really cleverly structured, especially in the way they tease the peripheral characters for such an extended time before finally featuring them on camera. It helps that all of the performers are ridiculously likeable. So

I sure did, thanks for the heads up. I think I got them all fixed now. I hope. I'm tired.

Ha! It's OK. Everything about this show makes me feel old.

But did you have a WALKMAN with double headphones, no earbuds? Come on, now.

Whoops. Missed that completely somehow?

Yes, please!

Boy, does this coming fall have a movie for you!