Carrie Raisler

I pushed for "The Departed" hard. Not only is it bold as all hell, it's cinematic, it's moving and lovely in a way the show spent three seasons earning. I truly think it is one of the most spectacular episodes of television not just from this year but from the past several years.

I pushed for "The Departed" hard. Not only is it bold as all hell, it's cinematic, it's moving and lovely in a way the show spent three seasons earning. I truly think it is one of the most spectacular episodes of television not just from this year but from the past several years.

I found that amusing as well. It's like I'm Kelly and he's Brenda and we both wore the same dress to the prom!

I found that amusing as well. It's like I'm Kelly and he's Brenda and we both wore the same dress to the prom!

Todd. Please don't listen to this person as I like my job. (Mad Men is fine. Mad Men didn't need me to vote for it.)

Todd. Please don't listen to this person as I like my job. (Mad Men is fine. Mad Men didn't need me to vote for it.)

I hadn't seen any of The Hour yet, otherwise it definitely would have gotten a spot.

I hadn't seen any of The Hour yet, otherwise it definitely would have gotten a spot.

Dammit, overestimated my oooooos

Dammit, overestimated my oooooos



I used to love Gossip Girl but the show has spent the last two seasons disrespecting their own characters so much it was impossible to continue liking it. The Blair of the last two seasons is a shell of the woman she was at the beginning of the series, all sanded down and varnished in the light of her "love", Chuck

I used to love Gossip Girl but the show has spent the last two seasons disrespecting their own characters so much it was impossible to continue liking it. The Blair of the last two seasons is a shell of the woman she was at the beginning of the series, all sanded down and varnished in the light of her "love", Chuck

This is the best thing I've ever read about Gossip Girl. Slow clap to Sonia, for totally nailing the pathological lie that was this show.

This is the best thing I've ever read about Gossip Girl. Slow clap to Sonia, for totally nailing the pathological lie that was this show.

Sad sandwich never lets me down.

Sad sandwich never lets me down.

A+ is basically reserved for the pantheon of pantheons. It is technically allowed but never given.

A+ is basically reserved for the pantheon of pantheons. It is technically allowed but never given.