chadford mcbronsky

Even if you don't really find wheat beer very interesting, just remember the old saying: "Hefeweizen is better than no weizen at all."

Nah, they'd call it "Seattle-later."

There is the small matter of said creep being a sue-happy multi-millionaire to consider.

I saw it at the True/False Film Festival here in Columbia, Missouri back in March (right after hearing Screaming Females play a set between films, so that's an AV Club two-fer).

Man, now I really wanna try that surprise party delay thing on some friend that I either really trust to have a great sense of humor or else a friend I really hate.

Uh…the Sinatra version embedded above does have the "have to muddle through somehow" lyric. So…maybe not a valid argument there.

I've played a few horror systems, though never Unknown Armies. Call of Cthulhu is classic for a reason: it does great at pitting somewhat hapless normal people against overwhelmingly powerful monstrosities.

I know this comment is nothing new (because Moffat, blah blah blah), but — how dumb was Clara in this episode? She never came up with a single idea in the whole show. Her only purpose was to get comically abused by Missy, and never get any shots in of her own. And then the whole scenario with her trapped inside a

Beg the question. Not too hard.

Oh my god I finally watched that movie yesterday. I literally would not have even known this was a reference 24 hours ago. And nice comment/username synergy too.

I got to meet James Marshall, the guy who played James Hurley, at the Twin Peaks Festival in North Bend Washington last year. He said that for the song, he spent weeks practicing it from a demo version they gave him. Then when he got to the studio to record it, they had him sing two keys higher than he'd practiced,

Isn't Clickhole supposed to be a parody of Buzzfeed? This sort of thing makes parody impossible.

My attempt at a joking pseudo-flamey fanboyish correction seems to have run afoul of the internet's inability to tell parody from seriousness.

Every cat video totally changes my life. It's awful, I'm in a constant state of flux.

Fun historical fact: Lee was much less racist than Sherman was. He was also a lot more opposed to slavery, despite the fact that he personally owned slaves (inherited from his parents).

And when they rereleased it in 2002, it was only $89.99. Pertinent to the Price per Brick discussion.

They have Scorched Earth! Great game…once i figured out how to adjust the mouse sensitivity in the game.

I read that novel — or tried to. What a terrible, self-indulgent and turgid piece of crap. Apparently, it was a really bad choice for first-ever Roth novel.

Man, that's some cool shit! I didn't know that Vampirella had ever been like that. Thanks for the tip.

Yep! It was Called "Mario is Missing". The only problem with it was that there was no time limit of danger, so you couldn't ever lose.