

They seem to be rather broad similarities…couldn't you say the same about all 'television'?

Best show, agreed. Best character, agreed… except for Josh, Leo, Toby and Bartlet.
He was a little suicidal, electorally speaking.

I thought this show had been cancelled
It should've been

One of my favourite funny moments. Season 2 (I believe) the players are having having a tribute/roast for Coach Taylor. Riggins gets up and says "How about Saracen sleeping with Coach's daughter"…silence.

If anyone cares enough…
Dan-Blair Watch:

I enjoyed 'Away We Go.' Except for the opening scene. And the closing scene.

It's a 'Blog'. Not a site. I don't have to plug it anywhere. The piece was relevant. I can post what I want. It's a hobby. Like your hobby is being a faceless hack who can't figure out how to join AVClub.
Yeah I'm not big on Identity…which is why I have a link to my blog.
Anyway, this exchange has jumped the shark.

You don't care. I don't care that you don't care.
For you see you don't exactly count given your lack of identity, intellect and integrity.

Yes. Yes. No thanks FAT NEIL!


hmmmm….I didn't mean it literally. I stand by the proposition that the first season was highly derivative of the original. It didn't really begin to develop as anything more than a copy until season 2.
And I wouldn't call it an 'article'- more like a 'note'.

When even Ricky Gervais can't make this show funny…
…maybe it's time for it to end…while it still has any merit left (so like 2 seasons ago)

is what we will here incessantly…yay!

Breaking News
Jackson has announced he wants his ulcer to have, and I quote, 'a significant part in the Hobbit'

What a Nice guy
Is this still considered a 'comedy'?