
It's a Wonderful Life II: Electric Boogaloo

For some reason, I'm now humming to Weird Al's theme from Spy Hard.

I guess this means we can start dream-casting for Blofeld?

The Human Centipede:

And now I'm picturing Dennis as Christian Grey…

That's all you can say!

Cool. No harm done.

No coverage for The Returned?

If Love Actually is any indication, also soon to be ripped off by Garry Marshall.


Olympus made more money in the U.S with a lower budget.

Olympus Has Fallen with a Vengeance

I'm checkin' in! (He's checkin' in!)
I'm checkin' iiiin!

God bless the man who invented permission slips.

Oh come on Edna, we both know these children have no future.

Sorry (For Breaking Your Back) Seems to be the Hardest Word.

Wasn't there already like a Stepford Husbands TV movie or something? I forgot.

Boo. Boo, power outage, boo.

"Come on guys, let's go. This kid's totally not cool."

I'd like to thank this chapter-by-chapter review of 50 Shades so that I don't ever have to read it. Can't imagine the toll it's taking on the guy's sanity: