
Technically, this is his third (maybe fourth if you count what he released before, I think?) But the album is very good. Jazzy, g-funk, Fly-Lo and Thundercat heavy, and thought-provoking, complete with an eerily awesome Tupac appearance. Probably harder to get into at first than his other work, yet easy to get

This episode was good, specifically at 8:58.

The site's list is quite better this year, I'm impressed.

This season looks to be boulder than any other.

Could be wrong, but I thought the van that Lindsay and the Ohioan had sex in was actually the Ohioan's previously mentioned "family van". He did end up driving away in a van at the end of the episode, and I think Lindsay usually drives a car anyways.

I'm not so sure the double HOH twist has been that great, but it has been interesting.

Personal highlights:

That whole month was a monster for hip-hop. One of the best.

I'll see…
Moonrise Kingdom

Awesome interview. I saw Peele on Conan or Fallon one night, and he helped pique my interest in the show. I've only been able to check out the clips and highlights online though, but it's great.

As well as syndication for Community now, right?

Agreed, I enjoyed it a lot.

I'm pretty sure nobody likes the idea of Tom and Ann, but I think the show has handled the situation really well and it's been funny to watch at times (especially this episode). So, unless Tom and Ann actually do something couple-y or stay "together" for more than 48 hrs, I'm not complaining. And who knows, the more I

Yeah, I hope we see more of him too.

That was really funny, he was like a little vampire.

This really was almost more depressing than entertaining.

Mass Effect 3. Good choice, writers.

"Only Modern Family has that right now…"

Poor Luke.