
Friend of mine and I ended up getting a little too high and watching this the other day. I've never seen more than a short clip of the show, and, honestly…….this felt like the worst possible movie they could have made, based on what I know about the franchise. The whole thing felt like it was trying to appeal to the

This is a pretty bad review, basically criticising the fact that Earl chose to make something more related to MF DOOM instead of something world-changing or whatever the fuck. And the line about Tyler "not maturing" leads me to believe the guy hasn't listened to Wolf at all, outside of maybe Domo23 and overhearing

I seriously can't tell if this article was put up as a fair counter-point to the week of BB megahype or just to cause controversy. There are a few fair points in this article, mainly involving the fact that Skyler was originally poorly-written, but mostly this is taking nitpicks and inflating them by a thousand times

This is exactly what I thought. It's pretty much the worst FOB song title, too.

I didn't realise until I saw the credits that Tim Heidecker played the mommy blog guy. Seems like kind of a waste of a good guest star, they didn't really do a lot with his character. Episode was funny other than that, though, with the Terminator 2 homage being my biggest laugh.