
Unskinny Bop should be at the top of the list. It does not rock, was and remains completely inessential, the band has rocked previously, and has other flops that disqualify it from the mulligan.

can't be sure if was intentional
but the language surrounding the event was pretty vague at some of the venues promoting the show, not to mention, at the dark lord ticketmaster's website as well. maybe they've since changed the language up to clarify that it's just byrne in concert but i know a few people who bought

This is next level stuff, Dr. Wally.

Dylan's work for the Cadillac Escalade
Was revelatory.

Z0DIAC M0THERFUCKER wrote this news item.

In other news
My dogs were really excited to see me this morning and overjoyed when I gave them each a special doggy treat.

Salsa, I can't take too much Simmons but are you saying that he equates Doc Simmons to God? Cuz if that's the case, I might even give his podcast a chance.

the incredible shame and remorse I feel for the double, triple, paranoiac and edited posts. Mr. Chinatown, clearly, has my number.

Deleted Three Times by the AVC's Spectacular Policy
Should I not bother posting unless I can do it using God-approved language?

"F@ck What Polanski Wants" Gets Deleted?
Poor, poor child raping film genius.

Fuck what Polanski Wants
Poor, poor child raping film genius.

Has anyone already said
How Poehler-izing this could be?
Because I'd like to get this crappiness out of the way.

I used to completely turn off the television when I started to feel embarrassed by a "very special episode" of Diff'rent Strokes or Facts of Life. Many times, the subject matter was something I felt was inappropriate for my parents, teachers, my Lord or my own young and impressionable mind. Of course, I was in grade

Thanks, Tom K. I'm going to try and track that down.

I can no longer differentiate between bad ideas past, present and future.
This one I thought had already happened.

Relevant to Ian Michael Black

"It's far more likely that instead of disinterest in the "adjacency of the woman's boyfriend," she was fully playing up the fact."

A friend's boyfriends was working on a couple of videos for Ms. Hudson>Perry at the time and invited her to come out with a group for dinner and cocktails. We were told that her past life as a Christian pop star was hush hush and, essentially, off the table as joke fodder for the evening. However, we were not

not sure if this posted already or not but since i already fucked up once, i might as well go for the reviled, revised double post to top things off.

gang gang dance
yeah, i need an extended break from work. bang bang dead is what i feel like right now.