
If anybody wants to see, there's a Little Rascals primer coming up.

Goddamn, I love that beautiful misanthrope's music. Insignificance is one of my all-time favorite albums.

A Thousand Leaves
I can't understand how the assembled managed to not select a single track off of this album. Madness, I tell you.

Married Couples that Rock
Alan Sparhawk and Mimi Parker of Low.

Harrison, I'm sorry. I should be thanking you. You could not have channeled the tone of Pastor Scheiber from my Lutheran elementary school any more precisely. I always hated that hypocritical, Kojak looking mother fucker hence my earlier, forceful response.

Thank you for deconstructing the links between impulse, thought, desire, rationalization, decision making, intention, and outcome. If I lacked self-awareness, took the matter as seriously as you seem to have, suffered from a behavioral condition that prevented filtering of thought, or actually felt real shame and

My Special Wish…
I wish that the "She sounds like ABBA" guy would move over to this board.

I wonder if inappropriate AVClub comments will surface in my mental rolodex of shame in the years to come?

Only thing better would have been if she'd pissed gasoline onto a guitar, lit it on fire and teased the flames with untamed locks of hair and a tongue constructed from Al Roker's dick meat.

i'd drink wine and watch that in a gallery setting.

Herzog, Lynch, Gary Coleman circa 1980 and the San Diego Padres. That would be perfection.

the fuddruckers (in northridge, ca) near where i grew up was shut down in the early 80's after an employee was caught dropping personal loads into the freshly-ground-on-premises top grade beef.

For Goodness Sakes,
look at those cakes.

My Morning Jacket are TERRIBLE LIVE. Went to see them a few years back based on the sheer awesomeness of the song "It Beats 4 U" and a couple other pretty good tracks off that album. What the fuck? They sounded nothing like they do on their records… It's like some shitty bar band won the county raffle for a dude

For a time, the biggest debate in my 6th grade class (outside of who had the coolest Converse high tops, how to get rid of the teacher and Calvin vs. Luther) was Def Leppard or Men at Work. I chose Men at Work.

I was going to say, "Fuck that. Just bring back the original Gene, Gene The Dancing Machine in all of his funky ass, old aged glory."

and, FYI, the labeling committee convenes only in hushed tones around the family dinner table. as stated previously, your role as "anonymous online entity" involves breaking the news and offering tough love. for shame.

sorry, only pills, the grout will have to wait.

Gentle Herpes, please explain to my nephew that he needs to actually make a film before being owed his share of indie film cred and fame. Oh, and that he should move out of his parents' house. And vacate the high desert wasteland immediately. And that the film schools he wants to attend are extremely difficult to

why the long neck?
Does the main image on tomcruise.com depict the L.Ron prophesied Xenospawn of Tom Cruise, E.T. and a Nbele tribeswoman?