
I was spoiled Simm's Master would make an appearance and I still didn't catch on until he told Missy she'd been on the ship before. And I was feeling so clever because I figured out the time dilation before The Doctor brought it up, too.

Not giving the Cylons a plan is still less embarrassing than that dumb ass finale where everyone decides to become Luddites.

This is one of those situations when I wonder if it's ever moral, or ethical, to apologize for telling the truth?

It's like he can't stop being an asshole for more than five minutes.

Whoa. Whoa! There is no excuse for that kind of language!

Sure, there are actors as terrible as he is out there, but it wasn't their bland, stilted performances I was subjected to for thirteen straight hours.

Finn Jones is the worst. Everybody else? Great! But Finn Jones is one of the most unconvincing actors I have ever had the misfortune to watch.

I generally don't like Skye, but the way she went HAM on those Hydra agents was a thing of immense beauty.