
My favorite MF Doom
is still DANGERDOOM's Mouse and the Mask.

That was mean
I like Viewtiful Joe.

I think this is exactly the right kind of stupid.

A little late now I guess
but I wanna get into LCD. What was the name of that live show album they recently released?

Balls was trolling you, but I happen to agree. I like the Myst games; at this point they're practically a refreshing change of pace.

You can thank Reggie
for the 'lectronics. DeWees was all about them when he was doing his Full Effect thing.

One of my favorite Batman TAS scenes ever actually came out of the Batman Beyond feature-length, The Return of the Joker. The scene has gained some notoriety for being arguably one of the darkest pieces of mainstream animation to be shown on television.

I watch horror movies all the time, but Paranormal Activity was the only SCARY movie I've ever seen.

I never liked Halo
and with good reason, but reading all these relentlessly snobby comments here certainly makes me want to reconsider my opinion.


fuck you. still glad he's dead.

Avenged Sevenfold was when I knew
that I was falling out of love with hard rock music.

Haters gonna hate? Can I use that here? I've been dying for a chance to use that phrase.

The Sting
totally blew my mind the first time I saw it. I started getting chills every time Fry said "wake up," and then to find out he really was telling her to wake up…

I Hung Out with
Maps & Atlases at Northern Lights. cool dudes.

sweet fucking christ
I love the man, but can he go on or what? That had to be the longest interview I've ever read.

There's a difference
between a good song, and a good Rock Band song.

Boogie Nights, Gangs of New York, The Aviator, the Perfect Storm…

Free pictures of Brian Mulroney with fill-up!
I think my favorite jokes, aside form the moments of geniune laughter from the cast, are the little single-word punchlines that take an already ridiculous tableau and turn it into a side-splitting scene.

Say what you will
but the guy can pull shit like this and still get cast in decent movies - i envy the shit out of his career.