
There is no way it's a mistake,she turns and looks towards the camera,my vote is Clare

I get why people don't get this show actually,this is a show,like Seinfeld, that rewards the long term viewer far far more than the casual watcher.

I have a job I have to be up at 7 for and I am rarely in bed before 2, it's after 3 here now,some people need less sleep.

The breakfast/coffee thing happens in this married house every so often,it's the incredible amount of sex Marshall&Lily are still having after so long together that bugs the hell out of me.
And I have much better calves than Marshall, whose calves are frankly nothing to write home about.

Lebowski nod was my favourite bit

Wouldn't adblock on firefox be enough to make this site doable on dialup?

Haven't watched heroes since ep 2 of season 2 so can I just ask, has anyone chopped Claire's head off or or fed her through a wood chipper?

Was just a nice visual ,same as the way Roslin in the fountain segued into her drip.

I preferred Ponderland when it was called in bed with medinner and was hosted by Bob Mills nearly 20 years ago (Christ that makes me feel old)

It's women weaken legs not ruin

Michelle Barrett has got one awful looking vagina.

I thought the last POTW scene was a scene of a marriage that was never going to be the same and I could not see any way for the marriage to survive.
He thinks she is dumb,she knows that, he thinks her job is crap and that she does it because she can't do anything else to change the world.I agree with c'mon, her line

My word is oak
That's a line from Jerry Maguire, is there a reason for it being used here or is it just because Bridges says it and then screws Jerry over?

The Bob Woods Story is great although I bet he doesn't buy him a bottle of scotch every time he goes to New York,I bet he tries to sneak in and out a few times a year without letting Woods know he's in town.

I have a video of someone nuttin' over a cupcake, and his girlfriend eating it.

"You want to do a project that's potentially for seven years,"
Not if you are in it boyo,
Aim low, a complete season maybe, then hope for a second.

I loved the way Juma's man "discovered" the fibre optic camera,the fucking thing was huge.

Awesome or not,Juma should have killed him out of sheer frustration.

I think he's dreamy

"Or somebody who can turn color photos black and white when they're near wicker. "