

I understand.

Speak for yourself. My rack is merely impressive.

Robin Hood and “Everything I Do” both defy ironic detachment. There’s nothing in them to enjoy ironically

It's a benefit show for KrellKrellKrellKrellKrellKrell "Koko" Goldstein.

Goddamn quicktime events…

Only pretending, of course. Because even Juggalos know better than to lick anything at the Gathering. ANYTHING.

What, you think "Marion from 'One-Trick Pony' joins OITNB" is going to rake in the eyeballs?

The Hunger Games: Zeno's Paradox, Part n-1.

Ratner doesn't have a big butt. He just likes them. And he cannot lie.

Ha ha ha! Classic bit!

Subtlety is a foreign concept for AC/DC listeners.

"Getaway" was fine. Pretty good, even. But the one with Tony Wonder was just painfully bad and drawn-out.

I think they worked fine for those characters that had enough interesting things about them to support a whole episode: Michael, George-Michael, Maeby, and about 50% of Tobias and Lindsay. We really didn't need whole episodes (or more) devoted to George, Gob, Lucille, and Buster, who mainly existed for the others to

Featuring a 4-year old God.

I'd buy it, but I only carry cash. Is that ok?

Technically, you should drink it at lunch.

Having now wasted about 2 hours reading all of these, let me summarize:

Yeah, I don't want to come off as a Garth Brooks apologist or anything (I don't really like country music period), but as a numbers guy, The Life of Chris Gaines sold over 2 million copies. Most bands would kill their mothers to have an album "flop" like that.

I told you already: he's 75 years old, and he's dead.