"Would you knit a sweater like that for Tom Petty?"
"Would you knit a sweater like that for Tom Petty?"
No, it's either as easy as 1, 2, 3, or as simple as do, re, mi. The comparative difficulty level of A, B, C is never explicitly stated, although I'd guess it's on par with quantum interphase dialectics.
Shoulda let Ron Shelton write it.
Contrawise, I always jerk off whenever I don't see Sarah Jessica Parker.
All analogies should involve serrano ham:
Notice, too, how each of the sodas are encased in their own individual compartments, yet part of the larger whole that is the vending machine. In the same sense, Jim and Pam are each trapped in their own self-created compartments of fear and complacency, yet part of the larger whole that is northeastern Pennsylvania.
Yeah, they're pretty awesome, actually. No chlorine smell, and you're actually a bit more bouyant in salt water, making swimming a little easier. The salt concentration is quite a bit lower than that in the ocean, and much easier on goggle-less eyes than chlorine is.
Walter Monheit, is that you?
#22: Lengua.
Agreed. I took Jimmy in that song to be more frustratedly resigned that a superhero was his romantic rival (and that Lois barely even knew he existed) than he was actively seeking to kill Supes.
This is not the most informative "Hear This" we've had.
Works for me. I can always put the second one in the basement or something until the first one breaks. From overuse.
Figures. Chicks love anything European.
It's his bread and butter.
It's already been done. Get me an overhead projector, some paintbrushes, the side of a building, and a dozen Red Bulls and I'll have it for you by the morning.
You got lucky. There's a lot of hipster pretension in that article. She's a pretty good actress, but I think I'd hate being her friend in real life.
Pfft. Itchy and Scratchy did that, like, a million times.
You crowd the plate on Sonia Sotomayor and she'll plunk you.
Boo. Another lost opportunity to use the Big Red No.