
I feel like the uplifting John Williams score would be rather jarring over Snyder's bleak and joyless interpretation of Superman.

Wow, Billy has gotten fit since his Parks & Rec days.

I can't say that I disagree. It seems a little early in the timeline to be introducing Thrawn, especially since the rebellion is only just starting to form and he's such an elite villain. The show will certainly have to be cognizant of how they utilize him; his presence should have a permanent impact on the story —

In regards to Anakin: I wish we'd somehow seen The Clone Wars team do their own interpretation of Episode III, because I felt that the show did a much better job of characterizing (and humanizing) Anakin. In the movie his downfall is not particularly plausible or even tragic since he was never really a likable or

Totally agree. Ventress' redemption arc in Clone Wars was one of my favorite bits from that show and I'd love to see them tackle something like that with Kallus. No doubt that Oyelowo would do it justice.

It's too bad that they're not reviewing this anymore. The reviews and discussions here were a lot more thoughtful and impartial than elsewhere on the web (most other sites have pretty superficial discourse). Hopefully we can discuss the new season somewhere here.

I loved the Kallus & Zeb episode, which seemed to be planting the seeds for Kallus to possibly defect at some point in the future. Interestingly, one of his two lines in this episode was him commenting on how the battle Thrawn was promoted for had higher civilian casualties than insurgent. Of course, that line may

It really does. Season 1 is by far the weakest - starting with Season 2 the animation improves tremendously and the show doesn't pander as much to younger audiences. I'd recommend jumping ahead to the Geonosis arc in Season 2 and see how you like it then.

Yes, it was.