
The episode was a B-.  Your reviews are the D.

I'd give this review a D-.

Dear Billy Corgan,
Fuck off.

Dear Billy Corgan,
Fuck off.

what a DOUCHE

No mention of Bon Iver's performance?  I am a huge fan of the band, but I felt like I was watching a funeral.

The most decadent band in recent history is DAWES

Thank you for this review.  It made me less angry about the episode.

My favorite line from the episode was when Adriano says to Dee "I was gonna let you jack me off later."  So perfect.

Let me quote Glenn Howerton's Twitter: Glenn_Howerton Glenn Howerton

as much as i enjoy the numerous comments where people try to be as funny as the onion writers, and fail, i for one would like to express gratitude for this great series of articles.  it's not often that you get a chance to see inside the mind of the creators of one of the best series on television, ever.