Look, I'm causing a ruckus in your yard.
Look, I'm causing a ruckus in your yard.
Nice Job!
Now the rest of us have to deal with smug inefficient advertising that wasn't interesting or fun to watch in the first place.
You best not be ripping on Carnivale, buoy…
*delicious* fuck.
Those ads are supposed to appeal to stoners and girls who tweet shit like "OMG SO RANDOOOOM LOL!!!1!!!"
I'm glad you know that.
One man's notebook drawings is his psychologists reassurance of his Oedipal obsession theories.
*smirks slightly then laughs hysterically*
I like the Jewish one!
Sarah Silverman kills me with her one line in that sketch.
I think, if anything, we need more offense to Sarah Palin.
It made me cry out my wiener.
She's terrible in "10 things…" and those fucking awful vodka commercials, and those other awful teen movies she made at the turn of the century, but she's solid in the Bourne movies. I approve of her life choices.
It was, of course, "Prozac Nation."
Cleverly done but a little transparent. B+.
I read them in Elementary school, and I remember liking them a lot. All I really remember was one about Henry and his dog and a scene in one of the books where Ramona makes a sign to convince her father to stop smoking.
I also don't like this person.
Thank you for coming, here's your check, please leave.
I rode a horse to my platonic friend's wedding to the totally wrong guy, and I was just about to tell her my true feelings when that animal took an enormous dump on the carpet. I just sort of left and then furiously masturbated at home. In the dark.
You guys also did "Married to the Eiffel Tower," which was fucking gross. But also awesome. Once again, we lose.