
The problem was that his ignorant words and actions were for sure supposed to be a result of his stupidity but they were still supposed to be noticeably offensive and then a few minutes later the only issue Mercedes' friends, who he was gross to, had with him was that that he's white. Other than that they thought he

There was no need to consider permanently dropping out of either Funny Girl or NYADA. She really should've taken the semester off in the first place but because this is still only the second or third week of the semester she could've just withdrawn from her classes after the duet debacle.

There's a difference between showing restraint and something essentially being pointless. I've been wracking my brain and all Kurt being bashed accomplished was that he he now sees himself an a grown and brave Hummel man. Couldn't they have come come up with another scenario that would've had a similar result? And if

Well then feel free to take him off her hands and away from the show. His intelligence seems to be dropping further and further with every episode and he was flat out rude and gross to her her friends. They have nothing in common and don't make sense together at all. It shouldn't matter what he looks like. And not

I really don't understand them together at all. They have nothing in common, before last week they hadn't spoken in over a year, and just a couple episodes ago Mercedes was bragging about dumping him twice. They just needed a straight couple because their only relationship at the moment is Klaine and Rachel is out of

I find it rather distressing that this particular single episode Samceces got more time than Klaine generally get in a three episode stretch and the C plot was Kurt being bashed and there wasn't even so much as a passing mention that being gay bashed as a young teenager is what lead to Blaine transfer to Dalton in the

Just in the last few episodes he offered Rachel some of the homemade soda he just finished and when she asked for water that was very specifically prepared instead he happily obliged, he totally unprompted shared his twice promised nationals solo with Tina, after seeing how hard of a time his friends were having with

Because nothing says selfish and awful quite like waking up early to make a full and balanced breakfast from scratch for your fiancé with the intention of bringing it to him in bed.

His refusal to wait six months to cut his hair to help his career despite the fact it would've grown back by now aside I actually thought Sam came across as generally less dumb this week. Not smarter, just less dumb.

I can't remember a single major one. There was the time Artie was talking about the christmas special and criticizing Rachel's song choice. Glee has never been big on the opposite gender heterosexual friendships. Rachel and Artie make so much sense as friends but it's just never happened because her romance drama had

There's someone who does Blaine edits (blaine-edits.tumblr.com) and they're usually about 5-20 minutes and quick to scan through for what you'd care to see.

I think this was supposed to be early january and the beginning of the spring semester. That would mean it was Kurt's third semester at NYADA making him a sophomore.

The girl Blaine danced with was a fan who went to watch them film and in one take Darren grabbed her and started dancing. It has nothing to do with Darren not being willing to play gay. I'm sure he would've pulled out a guy if he was sure it was something the guy would've wanted and if it wouldn't have messed with

I think it was supposed to be a text from Blaine but it seemed odd that he was reacting as if he didn't know it was a possibility as a result of their second place finish. It's really as if he wasn't in LA with his fiancé and family just so he could be in NY to break the news to the still feuding Santana and Rachel

Even though I actually don't like a lot of the the new kids I didn't have an issue with them this episode. I'm glad they got a wrap up because if they were just dropped their existence would've been for nothing.

I'm very much with you on the first half of this. A few episodes when Blaine, Kurt, Rachel, Santana, and Sam all sang together Chord stuck out like a very sore thumb.

Are you serious? They had zero chemistry. That's why they decided to put Sam with Quinn and write Blaine for Kurt. Blaine, played by Darren Criss who has some of the best adoring looks in the business, has a great chemistry with whoever he's working with in whatever capacity the script calls for. Imho it say a lot

re your 1: Ryan said in an interview that there were cast members who didn't want to do an episode about grief and would've preferred it approached in a different way. Some people chose to come back but others were under contract had no choice in the matter.

I understand More Than a Feeling and I still Haven't Found What I'm looking for being Finn's favorite songs but America? I thought it was an odd choice from the moment I heard they were doing it and the explanation of it being a favorite of Finn's only added to the oddness.

I wasn't a fan of this episode. It should've been about the seniors first and foremost with mentions of Finn and the tribute they did this week should've happened next week when everyone is back together. None of the stuff with Sam worked for me at all. Blaine had been leading New Directions all year but he's not