
Theory: letter from his ex- is just coincidental timing. The real event that shut down whedonesquire was George Miller. Follow along in my conspiricesque journey…

oh ehm geeeee can't wait for "Wonder Woman: Winter Soldier!"

I'm curious about this supposed backlash to Maher. All I've seen are that the same people who've always hated him saying that it's over for him now. Despite "worries" on behalf of Maher by the writer of this article that he's in so much trouble, there was no link to declining ratings or anything substantive toward his


" Then again, what wouldn’t suffer by comparison to Team America: World Police? It’s one of the smartest, funniest satires of recent years."
well, I suffered watching TA:WP, so I guess you could say I suffered comparing it to a comedy that had something funny in it. Maybe the worst "comedy" I've ever seen.

"…the last one only in a tiny cutaway to make a comment that the premiere is 'weird,' which is neither accurate nor funny."

Polanski is just a sick fuck
I don't know that I would hate on him as much as I would hate on the systems that allow him to
- flee the country with ease
- launch an appeal that isn't laughed at and immediately and tossed out
- continue to be employed to make widely seen media distributed by American companies
- be

The zzzzzzzzzzzzz-Files

It overwhelms my sense of irony that Pi, perhaps the most boredom-inducing film I have seen at this point, is replacing another film that is not interesting enough.

I knew canadians were lucky… I didn't know they were THAT lucky.

has anyone read Joey Lawrence's review?

How to make live action CP awesome
have Alan Moore write it or something.
Linka and Ma-Ti are both prostitutes
Gi is a sweatshop worker
Wheeler is a child rapist
Kwame is a drug addict
CP is the godfather of a crime syndicate
Gaia reeks of patchouli and runs head shop.

Paris, Je T'aime
I thought the Coen/Buscemi segment was pretty awesome, imagine what a true artist's artist like Brett Ratner could do with the City Anthology concept!

Someone already mentioned it, but I can confirm that M&T are on record that TMB was just too damn expensive. Cheaply animated shows like South Park, Li'l Bush, and Drawn Together don't have to do as well to survive. Then you have the crappy comic sketch/talk shows like Mencia or Tough Crowd that fill out the rest of

fail in the first sentence
"South Park, but against all odds, it's still funny, and they keep finding new sacred cows to kill."

I just got through watching Chris Crocker's latest, thinking that it was the gayest thing I would ever see in my life.
Apparently the only thing that can trump Crocker involves "Forward by Paula Abdul"

David Cross and Patton Oswalt, take note
have the fake pissing match before the big tour.

Ashton Kutcher + Ava Longoria + Irrelevant and Condescending Attempt at Social Commentary = Blinding White Hot Hate

Hater's perfect storm?