
Maya & Miley were my favorite musical moments of the special. This is as close to straight singing as I've heard from Maya and I'm old and like 70s soft rock and show tunes and I liked it.

I'm with you on that. I'm going to watch the school scenes again for redheads (because I believe in real red hair even when I shouldn't). I realize the MU can only get so meta without becoming ridiculous, but I like my eggs Eastery.

I still enjoy Nigma as the counterpart to all the good hearted quirky nerds in the other procedurals. I feel like they are setting up a nice payoff when he goes around the bend Character development for villains hasn't been a strong point for many comic related media, and so this feels fun to me. If we see a Long

I had the same thought. And with Slade promising to kill off the only other person Ollie ever loved (or however he says it) AND the Black Canary character I knew (before however many retcons they've done over the last several years) being a decsendant of a previous Black Canary (her mom?), I see a bad moon rising…

Not everyone has access to a epileptic and a strobe light. So we need the epileptics to quit being so damn monogamous!

That doesn't go away. But you need to do you! Find out where you excel. Maybe you're banging hotter people, or more mid level people. Maybe you're just having a better time or dealing with less loan debt. Maybe you just look better in plaid.

With ya there. Seriously, Joel gets a bit pissy, but he's trying to hold his place while bearing up to the A type Braverman. Can you imagine day to day with the Braverman who's too domineering for even other Bravermans? He can build things, he's hot, he's starting to gain access to the cheddar, he's hot, he is a great

So… nobody is going to mention the Watchtower in the Canary scenes? At all? Birds of Prey with Black Canary, Huntress and Sin, Laurel (or Felicity more likely) being shot and paralyzed and taking on the Oracle moniker. Book it. Done!

I thought some of the The Rapture scenes focusing on the religous group were scary as a demonstration of benign evil. Reminded me of the reveal in Rosemary's Baby with the coffee klatsch cult.

You are completely over the top.

This is my official "Scatman" Crothers request

I miss Dillon! I also miss Dude Ranch multi episode arcs. They probably don't serve the syndication market as well, but I liked them.

Respectfully, I gotta disagree with you. Though he does seem to have a lock on the 'Middle aged caucasian father who is more reconstructed than we're suppossed to expect' roles lately. I like the relationship between his character and the wife. I thought the gym seem was good, and I'm kind of looking forward to more

As an incredibly handsome individual, I'd just like to assert that we also feel pain, experience conflict, and agonize over culturally relevant issues like new paradigms in color coordination management and the fabric tactile response matrix. Others may work very hard to attain beauty, and I would think they could

I'm with you, in the sense that I've never liked a character she played. I liked Dabney Coleman characters. I loved John Larrouquotte's nastier characters, but not a single character that she's played. I don't know her enough to judge her, but her roles become grating.

I enjoy the show a lot. I don't think about it too much, I just laught, though I love love Phil's (I don't know if I'm scared of how much I love her, or if I love how much she scares me) character so so much I've tried to minimize my criticism of Beiber fans as an empathy excersize.

Reverend TimTom makes your argument invalid, but don't worry. He says you're swell for sharing your opinion with the group!

This episode was almost a perfect encapsulation of my dislike for all of the characters I've seen Patricia Heaton play. I'm not commenting on the actress, just her characters that I've watched.

'I have a lot in common with Alex and Manny and their family situation.'

Future Luke is the brother in law from up all night, yes?