
To quote a misguided Sith apprentice.


Hayley was the Governor's zombie daughter.

That would be a good twist, in the comics Lilly was a woman who didn't realize just how horrible the Governor was until it was to late. I could see TV Andrea going through the same thing.

That would be a good twist, in the comics Lilly was a woman who didn't realize just how horrible the Governor was until it was to late. I could see TV Andrea going through the same thing.

I hope Comic-Andrea comes out from hiding and kills TV-Andrea from 1000 meters with her sniper rifle.

I hope Comic-Andrea comes out from hiding and kills TV-Andrea from 1000 meters with her sniper rifle.

Don't worry Daryl appears in the promo for a split second running through the forest with his crossbow.

Why was Andrea so shaken after killing the old guy zombie? The woman saw her sister come back and killed her without freaking out like that. Grow some ovaries and Woman the fuck up.

Why was Andrea so shaken after killing the old guy zombie? The woman saw her sister come back and killed her without freaking out like that. Grow some ovaries and Woman the fuck up.

I bet you fifty bucks next week he's gonna drop a "Shit just got real" after he finds out about Glenn and Maggie

I bet you fifty bucks next week he's gonna drop a "Shit just got real" after he finds out about Glenn and Maggie

I thing the baby's name should be T-Dog.

I thing the baby's name should be T-Dog.

The National Guard would probably take control of the town and the Governor won't have any of that.

The National Guard would probably take control of the town and the Governor won't have any of that.

I like how the Governor is set up as Anti-Rick in this episode.
I wonder if we'll be seeing his daughter this season…

I like how the Governor is set up as Anti-Rick in this episode.
I wonder if we'll be seeing his daughter this season…