Furious Masturbater

Right there with you, pal!

Just for the record, what you listed as being the cons for working as a farm laborer seems more like an indictment of the industry than anything else. Rather than have some bullshit about how "OMGZ its a terrible job we should thank the farming industry for using illegal immigrants," the real issue should be "why

Holy Fucking Shit
Can we all as a society agree to stop pretending that this woman is funny? Because she's not. She's a fucking pretentious bore who thinks she's smarter than she is.

Cartoon nudity?
"David X. Cohen was not kidding about the nudity. "

Dear Joe Kickass,

Do I even have to say it?
Clearly I'm all the fuck over this one, especially if this swamp-brawl involves them wrestling while wet.

You're a solitary loser because you are apparently getting your panties in a bunch over somebody posting in the comments section of a pop-culture website. The Simpsons avatar is just extra proof.

Who needs to "go back" to anything? I've been pulling it all along, you pantload!

This show
Could be a lot better if they'd take down that female cop's clothing a notch. It's hard as fuck to beat off to somebody in a cop's uniform, even if it's only on TV.

Holy God
I've whacked it to Elaine a countless number of times, and fuck it, I didn't even care if George got in there somehow. That's the truth.