Soma is a helluva drug!
Soma is a helluva drug!
Of course they won't admit involvement. People knowing that they make money off of this will not bring in new customers but it will drive people away. Just sit back and let the money roll in.
Thank you for putting "Prosperity Gospel" in scare quotes where it belongs. Thread that needle with a camel before you come back to me.
Todd knows what he did.
Your sandwich is sitting on top of the radiator just where you left it. I doubt that you'd want to eat it anymore.
There were also a few things in his personal life that I'd rather not think about. But I don't think they were ever as nasty as Trump so I'm quite happy to remember him kindly.
If Trump texts SAD! over this I'm gonna be pissed off.
He's the dumbest person to ever represent my hometown. And Scott Walker (not the cool one) grew up there.
The shampoo vote! Rinse and repeal!
Paul Ryan has never turned down anything he was offered.
7th congressional vote: ::more profit!::
I agree and I was happily surprised. I'm also certain that, unlike Trump, Hatch actually talked to generals before opening his mouth.
The weird thing is how little he's had to change from ranting lunatic to elder statesman. Everyone around him just got that much worse.
We haven't buried Hatch yet but yeah that's coming soon.
Too late. You're a documented Alien now.
I wanna fuck you like an Apuleius!
5th congressional vote: ::profit!::
The Golden Ass would like a word with you.
Are you removing your posts or has the Kinjapocalypse been moved up?