souse chef

Nothing could possibly last as long as The Office.

Me Galileo.

Aaaaaaaaaaare you gonna take me home tonight?

I bet it was a wiener.

Was it a hot dog? What I had (forever ago) on the Champs Elysee was not. But what I had last month in Vienna were hot dogs ancestors.

I've got a hot ass.

The scandal, of course, is not the coronation of Napoleon which happens before the painting. The scandal is that Napoleon himself is coronating Josephine while the church is reduced to looking on and approving.

I pushed that limit. This was forever ago by the way. I was walking up the Champs Elysee and I laughed (and took a photo) when I saw the guy in the Burger King uniform at the top of the Metro stairs right in front of the McDonalds that had a neon map of Paris pointing out all of the McDonalds locations but even though

You don't get what you want. You get what we give you. That's the point of propaganda.

That wasn't Trump's real hand. That was a normal-sized hand. And it wasn't orange or curled up into one of his creepy gestures that he thinks implies human or emphasis.

He is a green hatchback

I hope Tillerson sticks with that and Brownback can discover what it's like to work without a budget like a Kansas school.

I've the big screen all set up. Are you bringing the popcorn? No butter on mine please.

Is there a Russian spaceship hiding off the starboard bow?

She won re-election as a write-in.

You're supposed to rub it on your face not shove it in your face.

I'm betting that most people think this is a very insignificant issue. I guarantee that it isn't. I knew trans people in the military decades ago when it was even more difficult. The percentage of trans people in the military is probably equivalent to that in the general population which may not seem like much until

I'm not touching it if he's already touched it. I'm not catching that shit.

Yes. And it's obvious that you're not using the sulfur cream that I prescribed.