Can there be more sexual assault? How can we monetize this?
Can there be more sexual assault? How can we monetize this?
A horse is a horse of course, of course.
Was that poetry? Because it sure sounded like Vogon poetry.
angsty upvote
Is it a zombie bill or a vampire bill?
That's sort of good news from Tillerson of all people. But never fear, sometime in the middle of the night Trump will find his phone again and we'll be back on the warpath.
You say "billionaire" like it refers to real numbers.
Lrrr: These candies are chalky and unpleasant!
Nd-Nd: And what is this emotion you humans call "wuv"?
Lrrr: Surely it says "love".
Nd-Nd: No, "wuv", with an Earth W. Behold.
Lrrr: This concept of wuv confuses and infuriates us!
If I have to put up with bukake I will not settle for less than zillionaire!
Foul Play should be an exception. Though he's a nominal lead he's barely in it. It's a vehicle for Goldie Hawn at the height of her comedic powers and everyone/thing rotates around that glorious axis. Even the Barry Manilow theme song is better than it has any right to be. Did I mention Dudley Moore's bachelor pad to…
There's a reason that kids don't tell you what they are up to.
Can they see the previous show? It doesn't air until months later but can they watch games as they happen?
It's that voodoo that you do to me.
He was funny once. The movie was Foul Play. Maybe he wasn't even funny but was in the same room as Goldie Hawn who was funny enough for both of them.
He had a hook hand.
He's already affected mine.
That is the wrong picture for just about anyone.
The extra long pinkie nail was a big clue too.
Where do you think that herpes came from? It was in the National Archives.