souse chef

Click it and your life will change.

I knew. We watched both seasons. It was surprisingly good but nobody else cared.

You say that like it's a bad thing.


I've been mountain climbing and I haven't changed my socks for about a week.

It's hip to be L7.

Did I do that?

I'm surprised he hasn't picked up on Jeffery Dahmer yet. He's a fucking ghoul. Violence is pretty for him. His best movie is Kill Bill Vol. I which is literally all violence with brief pauses for foot fetish. He'll probably actually film this and it will be just as disgusting as you'd think. There is no way to pretend

I was just in Krakow and it was very interesting to see things written by Roman Polanski as an 8 year old in the Krakow ghetto during WWII. I'm not saying it justifies anything he did as an adult but when you're walking through Schindler's factory with the acknowledgement that Schindler himself was an asshole who was

Because of course he has. Horrible bloody story in which real people suffered real pain is now available for extraneous dialogue and stylized violence? Can we add in about fifteen more minutes of extraneous dialogue so I can get a few more obscure tracks on the soundtrack? And do you mind holding that Folger's coffee

Well it's not because of his face. Do you think Ted Cruz would ever be elected as dog catcher if ballots had pictures of the candidates faces?

*judges book by cover*

That's not a job. If it was you'd be working.

You misspelled ACCURATE.

Not yet. But guess what? You're next.

Thanks for the toast!

It should be.

She tried that with A Different World and the only thing she learned in college is that, no, she can not have two things.

I thought the silly outfits that she wore were her symbols of freedom and independence.

Dwayne Johnson has yet to fuck a mermaid or take on a volcano.