*cuts Social Security that paid for college*
*cuts Social Security that paid for college*
What are we going to do today?
I was looking for the rapping dinosaur or the grumpy penguin but all of a sudden there was a vision of Sarah Jessica Parker. Dawes was playing in the background. Mr. Big was going to actually show up for a date. Everything was perfect. My shoes even matched my dress.
We are DEVO.
Don't take anything for granted though. I'm all in favor of the ACLU but I'm watching my own ass.
If only he were a star and not just that asshole that says "Fired" on command.
Clown in a gown Bianca del Rio objects.
Syria, huh?
Oh good lord there's this: http://www.newsweek.com/wha…
I really doubt that the ACLU hates you. They don't have time for that.
This quote includes more thought than usual for Ron Johnson. It might even be the longest comment that he's bothered to make. But the fact that he defaults to Ayn Rand like a lazy Jeopardy! writer doesn't help his case at all. I suppose being Hank Reardon is slightly better than being rantboy John Galt but you know…
Suck his miniscule cock? Piss on him? What?
Of course. I know how to get off of this ship.
That's not irony. That's capitalism.
All right. Which of you pigs are my parents?
Hey! I'm me again! It's like magic.
So remarkably bad but not as vile as Comic Sans?
I believe she still live in Paris (since the fifties or sixties) and if Feud was aired there she could claim damages there.
I guess when you take a look at the book 'Atlas Shrugged,' I think most people always like to identify with the main character - that would be John Galt. I guess I identify with Hank Rearden, the fella that just refused until the very end to give up.
Not only that but get this: you have to actually leave your house and go to a building across town to buy it. And they might not even take your credit card! It's less convenient than buying drugs. No stars.