souse chef

Is Marker Felt superior to Comic Sans (as almost all things are)?

Ghibli upvote.

I bet he's as good as you at poetry.

Thanks for the reminder that while Sasse may be firmly NeverTrump he's still an asshole.

They were all much younger than me. Probably born after Solidarnosc and only know Lech Walesa as the asshole he turned into and not the inspiring leader he was.

Well aren't they the lucky ones.

That's not surprising. Most serial killers are white. They're just usually not robots. Or Santa.

What's with all the dead parents? Do you think this is Disney or something?

I don't want to see him with courage. I'm quite happy to have him quivering behind his twitter account.


Behaving like Stalin and looking like Stalin are two different things.

Is she suing in the US or France? And would the laws differ?

All babies look like Winston Churchill. Do all toddlers look like Mao?

This was bad enough. I don't want to see that.

Pay no attention to the racist behind the president.

I just realized that not only is Trump the Tin Woodman but he's also the Scarecrow and the Cowardly Lion.

Pass me my diet pills. I've got more ironying to do.

The Playboy Club was always more treacherous than it's reputation would lead you to believe.

Among other things Jimmy Carter has bigger hands.

And Family Circus is all about Not Me again. If it's not him then who is it?