souse chef

- money changers

He's ignored Ivanka on that one. That sounds pretty personal to me.

Trump doesn't have Friends.

Colloidal silver is sexier. It doesn't have blood coming out of its wherever or its face.

What? Obviously Trump is obsessed with me. Why else is he so determined to take away my healthcare, take away my rights as a gay man, deport my US citizen partner who happens to be brown? He sure as hell didn't offer to officiate at my wedding.

Hey! The Ox was still there! They just weren't really the Who anymore.

I saw Chopin's final resting place in Krakow. It just seemed appropriate. Unfortunately smoking is not an option anymore.

Nessie is not orange! FAKE NEWS!

I keep forgetting that we prioritize Oompaloompa rapists.

Really? Because we've got both Master and Missy and somehow the Doctor never sees them coming.

I just got back from Poland (and Austria) where I met people who liked Trump because "he gets along with Russia". In Poland!

I remember when he was proud to wear the silly hat his mother knit for him.

Alternately, the Who without Keith Moon was questionable. Especially since the three remaining members all had solo projects. But once Entwistle was gone all that was left was Townshend writing things for Daltrey to sing and his voice was shot. Can't blame them for wanting to make a living but it seems kind of

That's the question that must never be answered.

Fuck yeah!

Are there bad ones?

We're lucky if they do that.

Not even Julie Andrews can make me watch Fallon. And Dan Savage isn't nearly enough to make me put up with Maher.

Tacky bleu, blanc et rouge clothing. Cookouts. Alcohol. Other people's fireworks.

Do the kids look like him?